Starfall's Occupations

Learn more about the general occupations, gangs and activist groups of Starfall.


Leader: Ava Blumenthal.

The Dandelions is a clandestine activist group led by Ava, operating in the shadows of Starfall city with a singular mission: to combat corruption and bring about positive change. Despite their noble intentions, the group remains shrouded in mystery, with little known about their activities or membership beyond whispers and rumors.Operating covertly beneath the guise of Astera and Buds, Ava's tea house café serves as the perfect cover for the Dandelions' operations, providing a safe haven for like-minded individuals to gather and strategize away from prying eyes. Behind the façade of brewing tea and serving pastries lies a network of dedicated activists united by their passion for justice and their determination to make a difference in their community.While the true extent of the Dandelions' influence remains a closely guarded secret, many with like-minded intentions may accidently find themselves wanting to follow a greater cause.

This book is dedicated to the rule breakers, the trouble makers and the revolutionaries.Sometimes the hand that feeds you needs a good bite....


Leader: Killian Jones.

Before there was Crossbones, Killian had originally been apart of several gangs that came and went over the years in Starfall. Not many stood their grounds or managed to control territories, especially during Rasputin's reign. It wasn't until later years that Drake's Fang formed and he decided to join it — many of his friends and mutual gang members from previous gangs followed suit. He was never a stranger to this kind of life as he had been running the streets since he was 16. The few years he spent in Drake's Fang wasn't all that bad at first until he met a child named Peter Pan. A complete thorn in his side. No matter what he said or did, Peter had a way of digging his claws into Killian and giving him more and more reasons to despise the kid. The divide was only growing to the point that it was going to have a breaking limit that couldn't be turned back from. One day, he had a disagreement with another within the gang that was close to Peter's age — Tootles. It was then that Killian's anger finally hit that led him to killing the kid only for Peter to react by cutting his hand off.Everything happened faster than he could comprehend.There was complete disbelief that he had just lost his hand. The hatred that developed for this kid got to the point that he demanded retaliation against Peter Pan, but Freyr declined against it thinking the spat was childish seeing how Killian was a grown man and Peter was still a child. He came to realize that Drake's Fang was not his vision and being older than Freyr he felt that he was going to step away and make a new name for himself. He left the gang and took what followers and friends he had which divided The River Styx with Freyr owning one side and Killian owning the other half. Slowly he began building his own territory, raiding buildings and recruiting. As he built the Jolly Roger Club, it became his primary place of business and operation. His most trusted friend and second in command, Aladdin, opened up his own club within the same district called Arabian Nights. He gave no choice but Freyr to accept his presence as a rival gang and took over an unclaimed territory. They made an agreement that they would stay off one another's turf in order to keep a mutual understanding between the both of them.Now replacing his missing hand with a Hook, most people in town refer to him as his nickname, Hook. He's often drunk and comes off friendly to the members of his new gang — Crossbones. He is welcoming, but could turn a switch quite easily if needed be. He doesn't shy away from pulling the trigger, no matter the circumstances. Not pulling the trigger fast enough is not a mistake he was willing to make again. Hook utilizes his charisma and appearance in order to woo others, whether it be to convince others to join his gang or find a woman to slip into his bed for the night. He had found himself broken over and over again with no intention to be repaired. Although he seems to be relatively nice, he uses certain manipulative tactics to get his way. Most of his anger is turned to deserters as he's not forgiving for anyone who chooses to leave his gang, but the fear instills loyalty. He would have them tortured or kill for trying to desert.And anyone that is willing to get the head of Peter Pan would get any wish granted to them. He is adamant that there is no chance he'd be even remotely happy until he can be sure that Peter Pan gets what's coming to him. Now knowing Peter Pan had left Drake's Fang means that there isn't a gang to protect him anymore and that keeps things exciting.Due to Hook's lack of mercy, he attracts new members that aren't afraid of pulling the trigger and getting blood on their hands.

I've yet to see you fail and when you do succeed, well that's when the fun begins.

Court of Miracles

Leader: Esmeralda.

The Court of Miracles is ran by Esmeralda. It's a covert refuge hidden beneath the bustling streets of Starfall city, known only to a select few trusted individuals. Operating as an underground passageway, its whereabouts are a closely guarded secret, accessible only to those in dire need of sanctuary.At its core, the Court of Miracles serves as a trafficking operation, providing protection and assistance to those wrongfully accused by the law, offering them a chance to escape and start anew. Whether seeking refuge from persecution or fleeing the clutches of Starfall's most nefarious figures, individuals turn to Esmeralda for aid in finding safety and salvation.Executing discreetly beneath the guise of her cover at the Notre Dame Club, Esmeralda navigates the shadows of the city, using her position to secretly orchestrate the operations of the Court of Miracles. Those led to its hidden depths are blindfolded and subjected to thorough searches, ensuring the secrecy and security of its location. Esmeralda goes to great lengths to obscure any trace of the path to the Court, employing methods to disguise scents and thwart any attempts at return without her assistance. With so much on the line, she would put herself in the line of fire before allowing anyone to know of it's location.In a city plagued by corruption and oppression, Esmeralda emanates a chance for the downtrodden and desperate, offering sanctuary to those in need. Despite the looming threat of figures like Hans Westergarrd and the relentless pursuit of Judge Claude Frollo, Esmeralda remains steadfast in her mission to provide refuge and protection to those who seek her aid.For many in Starfall city, the Court of Miracles represents their only chance at escape from the clutches of tyranny, a glimmer of hope in the darkest of times. Esmeralda's tireless efforts to shield the vulnerable and oppressed make her a symbol of resilience and defiance against the forces of evil that seek to crush the spirit of the city.And for that, she'll continue to protect those that have no ability in protecting themselves.

When you wear this woven band, you hold the city in your hand.

Drake's Fang

Leader: Freyr/Toothless.

Freyr's gang, Drake's Fang, reigns as a formidable force within the confines of Starfall City, exerting its influence over the shadowed alleys and covert dealings of the metropolis. Conducting primarily in the River Styx prefecture, Freyr holds dominion over half of the territory, with the other portion belonging to his rival, Crossbones.At the center of Drake's Fang's operations lies the Night Sky Casino, a den of vice and opulence where fortunes are won and lost amidst the swirling haze of smoke and the clinking of glasses. It serves as Freyr's headquarters, a hub of activity where illicit dealings are conducted under the mask of entertainment.Through cunning manipulation and strategic alliances, Freyr controls a significant portion of the shipments that flow in and out of Starfall, using the cover of legitimate business to conceal his true intentions. Money laundering is but one of the many illicit activities that fuel his empire, enabling him to amass vast wealth and power with impunity.Freyr's reach extends far beyond the confines of his domain, his network of informants and enforcers ensuring that his influence is felt throughout the city. Despite his ruthless reputation, he is not without his allies, forging alliances with those who prove useful to his cause.With a keen understanding of the intricacies of power and the value of loyalty, Freyr has solidified his position as the longest-standing gang leader in Starfall. His control over underground fighting rings and his willingness to invest in the rebuilding of the River Styx district further cement his status as a force to be reckoned with.However, beneath the veneer of strength lies a man capable of great brutality when betrayed, a fact well-known to those who dare to cross him. Yet, for those who prove themselves worthy allies, Freyr can be a friend and a valuable asset in the treacherous world of Starfall's criminal underworld.

You have the heart of a Chief and the soul of a Dragon.